If you have browsed our FAQ's and not been able to find the answer you are looking for, then please reach out to one of our Registration & Ticketing Enquiries Team who will be more than happy to help assist you with your questions and enquiry.
The most efficient way to do this is via our Contact Us form that can be done HERE
One of our Customer Service agents will get back to you as soon as possible to help resolve your enquiry. Please provide a much information as possible and if necessary any screen captures of anything that can help demonstrate any issues you are having as this will help us be able to advise and resolve your query as quickly as possible.
Alternatively you can call our team on 0333 234 2022 to speak to an advisor who will help you with your Registration, Ballot Application or Ticketing enquiry.
If you specifically have an Accessible Ticketing Enquiry then please contact our dedicated team on 0800 542 2022 directly who will be more than happy to help assist you with your enquiry. Lines are open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.